In this space you can find information on computer tools and statistics of interest and utility for professionals in cancer registries.
The online statistics section offers information on the most important indicators to know the impact of cancer (incidence, mortality and survival) at an international level in which comparisons can be made between different countries or geographical areas. The information comes from extensive databases and in some cases they provide the possibility of online analysis.
The links section contains a series of links that may be useful for all those interested in population cancer registries.
Please note that the links provided do not constitute, nor are they intended to serve, as an exhaustive list of software, online statistics and links of interest to professionals related to cancer registries. The inclusion, or non-inclusion, of specific websites does not imply any type of support, approval, or endorsement by REDECAN. The sole purpose of REDECAN is to provide users with a set of links that it considers of interest to professionals related to cancer registries.